Google Ads Landing Page Tips for Dentists



Simply spending money on ads is not enough. Your PPC marketing for dentists needs to convert maximum visitors into patients. If that goal isn’t achieved, there is no point investing in ads. One of the crucial factors determining conversions is the quality of your landing pages. Your ad copy can grab attention from prospective patients and get them to click on the ad. However, you need to retain their interest and persuade them to take a favorable action. For that to happen, your landing page should be on point. 

Tips for a Great Landing Page

Here are few important tips to maximize return on your PPC for dentist.

Visual Cues

Prospective patients will most probably quickly scan the content rather than reading each and every word. You need to arouse interest and highlight important areas in the landing page so that they don’t miss valuable information. How to highlight content? You can either use lines or arrows to divert attention to a specific piece of information on the page. With proper use of visual cues, Google Adwords for dentists can win you maximum patients. 


Using contrast is yet another effective way of ensuring that people just don’t casually scroll through and leave the page. You want your prospective patients to stop and pay attention to the content presented on the page. If you have a patient appointment form on the landing page, make it stand out by using a different color. If the entire page adorns a dark blue background, keep the form section in white or other contrasting colors. You can seek professional help to launch Google ads for dentists if you aren’t sure how to apply these techniques. 


Pictures speak more than words. This is true and you need to balance the text in your page with sufficient graphics. Inserting large blocks of text with no images to entice viewers will leave them disinterested. Images of happy patients, images of the doctor and the staff at the clinic, before and after treatment images are all useful to persuade prospective patients. Graphics increase the on-site time and motivate patients to explore more. Don’t worry if you have no technical expertise to design a landing page. PPC ads are one of the most popular dental online marketing services offered by many reputed agencies. 

Font Style and Size

Your choice of font greatly determines the quality of your page. Fonts too have an impact on the readers. In fact, the choice of font also goes on to define the personality of your dental clinic. Font size too matters. You can’t pick any font that you like. You are investing money in your PPC ads and that money should increase patient appointments. Test your ad with different font style and size and analyze which ad received the most hits. If all this sounds too overwhelming, you can rely on a dental marketing company to do it for you.

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Book a consultation with Dental Marketo, a reputable dentist digital marketing agency with a wealth of industry experience. Craft the perfect PPC ad and encourage patients to schedule an appointment right away.